Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wikis for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Construction

This weeks assignment will be a collaborative effort using the Wiki with your previously assigned groups.  Some of you may be familiar with what a Wiki is and I know some of you have no idea what a Wiki is.  A Wiki is in essense a web site that members can edit, modify, add to and take away while all using the same document.  The end product will be the result of each group members input.  It would be wise to visit the following sites to get a better understanding of the Wiki prior to completing the assignment posted below.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me at the number and e-mail I provided on the course syllibus.

Watch this short video to help you understand the purpose and use of the Wiki.

Now that you are a Wiki Expert...(wink wink) complete the following assignment with the other members of your group

Lesson - Contractor Quality Control

Learning Goal: To become familiar with and apply the principles of quality management for Army Corps of Engineer military construction projects.Target Audience: Construction professionals actively engaged in Quality Control.
Learning Objectives:
  • Students will be able to define Quality as it relates to Army construction.
  • Students will be able to develop a Quality Control Plan
  • Students will be able to demonstrate each phase of the 3-Phase Control System
Instructional Materials:
  • Quality Control Specifications
  • EP 715-1-2 February 1990
  • Example Quality Control Plan
  • Power Point Slideshow
Learning Activities
  • Write a short narrative describing your understand of the Army's Quality Control System and the responsibilities of each member of the QC staff.
  • Prepare a Quality Control Plan in accordance with the specifications and post it to the Wiki.
  • Using audio or video, conduct a mock up of each phase of the 3-Phase Control system.
Evaluation Criteria
  • Excellent - Demonstrate a thorough understanding and application of ALL construction quality principles as outlined in the readings.
  • Meets Expectations -  Demonstrate a general knowledge of construction quality principles as outlined in the readings.
  • Unsatisfactory - Unable to demonstrate the construction quality principles as outlined in the readings.


  1. Andrew,
    I like the background color of your blog. It is my favorite color. I liked that you included the video to explain to what a wiki is to get everyone on the same page. I’m pretty sure that you lesson plan would be helpful to your students. But, it was a little too technical for me. So, I can’t be of much help to provide feedback because I don’t know what you are asking the students to do.

  2. Kenneth,

    I like how your objectives are outcomes based and incorporates all three of the Wiki project categories, based on Bloom’s Taxonomy – knowledge construction, critical thinking, and contextual application. The first objective says they will define quality – knowledge construction. The second says they will develop a quality control plan – critical thinking (West & West, 2009). Finally, the third objectives says they will demonstrate each phase – contextual application. The objectives build upon each other and fit together nicely! According to West & West, 2009) by developing outcomes based objectives, that are clearly presented, it helps clarify students’ expectations and desired change in behavior (what they know and can do).

    West, J. and West, M. (2009). Using Wikis for Online Collaboration: The Power of the Read-Write Web. Kindle Edition

  3. Andrew,
    It is very apparent that you feel it necessary to allow your students to be comfortable with the idea of integrating technology into the curriculum. For a student like me, that is wonderful. I would definitely have appreciated a robust introduction into the medium before trying to create a Wiki. That being said, I think you were a little light on actual instruction procedure. I think providing links or reading material to Wiki construction would suffice instead of devoting major emphasis on this assessment tool, especially since you are expecting to accomplish this in one week.

    This lesson plan is for one week out of how many? I thought we were supposed to design a lesson plan for teaching an entire course. At least that is the approach I took. This is a different perspective and I appreciate your innovative approach. However, I am curious to see how you would integrate this week into an overall course plan.

    Other than that, you did a great job implementing the Wiki project as a tool to assess all three of West and West’s categories. I especially think you addressed the third column “contextual application” in a manner many Wikis fail to incorporate. Overall, you have a solid plan for testing knowledge construction, critical thinking and application using a Wiki. Great work!

  4. Andrew,

    I like the "lay out" of your class design. The straight forward approach, simple categories make this a very useable design. I really enjoy this type of teaching. You have also done an excellent job with demonstration step, critical thinking.
